Information and presentations to get the most out of an organisation’s product emissions*.

*company or administration

FREE REMOTE PRESENTATIONS in small groups for discussion (one hour)

Target audience : Anyone interested in a measurable and verifiable approach to environmental performance: company or administrative managers; managers and consultants in finance, CSR, management, accounting, chartered accountants; teachers in these fields.

Content : Mastering the tools available on the website to produce an organisation’s product emissions and how to capitalise on them from a sustainable profitability, CSR and financing perspective.



No 16 – Wednesday 3 July at 9.30am

No 17 – Wednesday 10 July at 9.30am

N°18 – Wednesday 17 July at 12 noon

No.19 – Monday 22 July at 9.30am

Presentations are suspended over the summer and resume in September.

N°20 – Wednesday 4 September at 9.30am


PERSONALISED PRESENTATIONS: for example to integrate ECM into a training course or to talk about it in a publication… (teachers and journalists play an important role)

VIDEO (duration 6’30)


These standard messages, aimed at the partners of the organisation that manages its product emissions (suppliers, customers, financiers, etc.), enable it to explain its choice in a way that enhances its image.

The accounting principles to be respected (those of the Environmental Accounting Measure) are compatible with the various public and private accounting standards.


It presents the rigorous mathematical basis of the ECM and its measures: the emission-product and the accounting decarbonisation of the organisation.

Environmental accounting measure

Environmental Accounting Measure (EAM) was invented at the same time in several countries and is converging towards universal standards.

– It takes the method used by accountants and management controllers to measure the cost price of a product in money and transposes it to the measure of its greenhouse gas emissions.

– It is also taking over the vehicle for sharing information: the invoice, where the emission-product appears next to the price.

The EAM was the subject of an article in Le Monde in February 2024 and a call for fair environmental competition from a wide range of economic and social players.

The EAM has been a reality since February 2024

A free calculator on this site enables a small organisation to calculate its product emissions immediately. And for a large organisation to appropriate the method. This changes everything for the environment.

Product emissions are consensual

– Good for consumers and savers, who are freer to choose according to their values.

– Good for small producers who currently have no way of monitoring their environmental performance in order to improve their profitability, solidity, financing and CSR.

– Good above all for decarbonisation: the display of reliable performance triggers fair competition and therefore the ongoing decarbonisation of products and investments.

Managing the product footprint strengthens the profitability, solidity and CSR of the company

– By taking control of its environmental performance

– By providing accurate information to its customers, partners and financiers, which is useful to them and enhances the company’s image

It helps decarbonisation in two ways

– It incorporates it into its decisions

– Raising awareness among its partners