Free tools to help companies manage their essential environmental performance

Perhaps you are one of the 2 million VSEs and SMEs in France that are not monitoring their environmental performance ? They risk being caught off guard by the carbon transition and the demands of their customers.

A new international concept of carbon accounting measure has made it possible to develop tools that enable accountants to monitor a company’s essential environmental performance.

There are three advantages for your business in having your accountant test them :

– Manage your environmental competitiveness based on 2 key performances: the carbon weight of your products and your contribution to national decarbonisation.

– An environmental signature valued by customers : the carbon weight of your sales on your invoices.

– An environmental signature valued by financial partners: your carbon footprint and your contribution to decarbonisation with your accounts.

Everything is online and free

– A very simple tutorial with sample messages to make the most of your follow-up with suppliers and customers.

– The calculator, fed once a year with information that is easy to obtain (branch, sales excluding VAT, addition of the year’s purchase invoices). It gives the carbon weight of the products sold, the annual decarbonisation result and a file to have the measurements validated (optionally) by a trusted third party.

It is recommended or necessary to enhance this free offer with services from your usual partners.

Validation of performance by a trusted third party, your chartered accountant or auditor, is optional but will be a plus for your partners. (If you have a chartered accountant, it is advisable to involve him in both the measurement and its validation).

The expertise of an environmental consultancy is recommended to make the most of the environmental performance produced and to enhance it with others. It is essential in two cases: if your company’s production captures or emits greenhouse gases BEYOND the fuels burnt (cement, livestock, etc.); if it is subject to the regulatory BEGES.