Carbon on invoices (or C/f)
A climate innovation associates each product with its greenhouse gas weight
A full-scale experiment will start with Precursors
To improve this site and advance its projects, simply register on the non-partisan platform Réconcilions-nous ! (orR!) : its charter allows you to discuss without getting angry
The experience of carbon on invoices
3 steps to launch Carbon on invoices
1. The creation of a Precursors’ Charter – THE PROJECT
2. The announcement of the first Precursors
3. The start of the experiment and the multiplication of precursors
Find out how you can help your company, your local authorities, their accountants, their software and advice, your bank, your media, your public authorities… to become Carbon on invoices Precursors.
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For more information
Having its greenhouse gas weight on each product represents a fabulous accelerator of the climate transition
- Every company, city, administration, and individual get the information to manage their climate risk.
- Political, economic, and financial institutions are entering into a virtuous climate competition.
- The political debate is based on a simple and sincere measure that improves the efficiency and equity of climate effort.