Contributions to the trajectory 


This page describes one of the worksites to develop Carbon on Invoices and to associate to each product or service its precise and sincere weight in greenhouse gases (or « carbon footprint »). The list of worksites is at the bottom of the page.

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The new information available is rich, accurate, reliable and accessible to financiers. It is an instrument for deciding on financing, facilitating the financing of the Carbon Dioxide Trail and a general mobilisation around its success.

A summary of the interest of C/f for finance can be found in the following article; Carbon on invoices to facilitate the financing of the climate transition.

A production has a direct carbon footprint. The financing that enabled that production has an indirect footprint that can inform financing decisions. It is important to keep these separate.

An aeroplane flight has a direct carbon footprint. Whether the airline or the person being transported is otherwise financing forests may change the reputation of the person or company, in their eyes or in the eyes of others. But this does not change the direct footprint, and mixing transport and forestry carbons degrades information with two perverse effects : distorting purchasing decisions and distorting downstream footprints (if the travel carbons are used by a company and incorporated into the footprint of other products).

The simplest approach is to take the contribution of the individual or institution in carbon accounting.

What impact on accounting provisions and prudential rules? The indicators for measuring and evaluating financial risks and opportunities would be supplemented by indicators of carbon risks and opportunities.

What impact on the financing of individuals : housing, heating or insulation?

What impact on business financing : financing of climate start-ups and innovation transfers?