Enlarged measures decarbonate by themselves
The enlarged measures give each player TWO performances for each choice, in terms of monetary income and decarbonation
– For an immediate choice, such as buying a product, the two measures are its monetary cost AND its carbon weight.
– If the choice has consequences over time, these measures are supplemented by two other estimates: its monetary income AND its decarbonation, both annually and in the future
Both performances are measured by the same experts according to the same rules. Three advantages :
– The benefit of everything that has been invented to measure money
– Easy training for money professionals
– Intuitive use for everyone
The enlarged measures will decarbonate by their very existence, triggering three powerful levers :
– Competition : for the same quality, which customer, which investor, which voter will prefer a more carbon-intensive financing, project or product, if it does not have a better impact on their monetary income?
– Reputation : what major company is going to publish growth in cash income and a plunge in decarbonation on the same day?
– Personal values : each decision-maker is free to decide how to reconcile the two measures.
Enlarged economic measures correspond to an enlarged economy with two dimensions :
– the usual monetary income, with product costs and changes in the value added of companies and countries (GDP growth)
– decarbonation, with the carbon weight of products and the decarbonation of companies and countries
Details of decarbonation performance measurements